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Great Hall of the People, Beijing

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Great Hall of the People, Beijing

During my recent visit to Beijing, the annual parliament meeting took place. The parliament agreed that fighting corruption and fixing environment pollution are the two most prominent issues.

I can't really comment on their fight against corruption, but for me it will be interesting to see what China will do to fix the heavy smog. When talking to my Chinese colleagues I learnt that everyone agrees that air pollution is a very big problem and must be solved asap. However, it is unclear how to do that because the pollution is partly caused by big steel factories employing millions of people.

Es ist erschütternd, wie ein Einzelner es schafft, innnerhalb von 9 Sekunden einen ganzen Berufsstand…


Kategorie G+ Posts | 1 Kommentar »

Es ist erschütternd, wie ein Einzelner es schafft, innnerhalb von 9 Sekunden einen ganzen Berufsstand zu diskreditieren. Da kann man schon mal den Glauben an den Rechtsstaat verlieren…

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